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Start possessing your healing promise today!

Beloved, if you or a loved one is struggling with pain, sickness or a negative doctor’s report, don’t be discouraged—healing is coming your way. It’s not something you strive for, but a promise from God waiting to manifest in your life! In Joseph Prince’s book, Eating Your Way to Wholeness—A Practical Guide to the Holy Communion, discover practical insight on the Communion and how partaking of it brings life and health into your body.

For a limited time only, receive a FREE copy of “Eating Your Way to Wholeness” when you request yours today!* 

*This limited-time offer is available to US/Canada residents and one per household only. Please also note free shipping and handling applies to US/Canada addresses only. While supplies last.

If you or a loved one are dealing with a health or mental wellness challenge today, know that we are praying for you. We would also like to encourage you to read “How do I walk in faith and wisdom as I look to the Lord for healing?” to help you build your faith as you wait for your breakthrough.

© Joseph Prince Ministries 2024  •  PO Box 2115, Fort Mill, SC 29716, USA